New York, Rome, Florence, Pistoia.

On March 2, 2018, Graziano Graziani’s documentary “Pina Bausch in Rome” was screened at the Martin E. Segal Theater Center in New York for the audience of the Segal Film Festival on Theater and Performance and March 19, at 21.00 will be on ‘Apollo Eleven of Rome.

On May 31st, at the Cinema of the Compagnia di Firenze, a new appointment is scheduled to restore the documents of the Neumann Archive, this time by Massimiliano Barbini of the Funaro of Pistoia: after the story of Carmen by Peter Brook ( 2014) here is a new meeting – show of the series L’Archivio dal vivo, entitled Palermo Palermo: the Artist, the City, with the participation of the Luigi Cherubini Conservatory of Florence. Between words and music, the evening will return the experience of the creation of Palermo Palermo, the show of Pina Bausch, curated by the production of Andres Neumann in 1990.  On April 20, a preview of the Funaro of Pistoia is scheduled. On 1 June, once again at the Compagnia Cinema, Pina Bausch will be screened in Rome.

The event is realized thanks to the support of the Tuscany Region and the Archivist and Bibliographic Superintendence of Tuscany in the context of the Agreement for the enhancement of the archival heritage, the coordination of the interventions and protection of Archives and Libraries.

The Funaro of Pistoia for the Andres Neumann Theater Archive has benefited from the support of the Tuscany Region and the Archival and Bibliographic Soprintendenza della Toscana also for Pina Bausch in Rome and for the digitalization and computerization of the Neumann Archive, which can now be consulted on the website

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